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NPK 00:60:20 fertilizers

NPK 00:60:20 fertilizers

NPK 00:60:20 is a water-soluble fertilizer which contains 60% phosphorus (P) and 20% potassium (K), with 0% nitrogen (N). The formulation offers crops a concentrated dose of phosphorus and potassium, while nitrogen is withheld — a Formula that is perfect at distinct steps within growth.


  • Promotes Root Development
  • The high phosphorus content promotes vigorous root growth, allowing plants to take up both water and nutrients.
  • Enhances Flowering and Fruiting
  • Potassium promotes the development of flowers and improves the set and quality of fruit by regulating photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Disease Resistance
  • Potassium boosts the cell walls of plants, which makes the plants more resilient to disease and environmental stress.
  • Better Stress Tolerance
  • Potassium present helps protects plants against abiotic stresses like drought, salinity etc.


  • Crop-Specific Application
  • Widely used in crops including fruit (e.g., grapes, bananas), vegetables (e.g., tomatoes, peppers) and ornamental plants in flowering and fruiting stages.
  • Foliar Spray
  • Mix the fertilizer with water and spray it on leaves for rapid uptake of nutrients.
  • Hydroponics
  • Common in hydroponic systems where they require accuracy for nutrient management.
  • Correcting Deficiencies
  • For phosphorus and potassium deficiencies seen in plants.