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Fulvic Acid 50%

Fulvic Acid 50%

Fulvic Acid 50% is a water-soluble organic compound created from decomposed plant and animal matter. It is a portion of humic substances and consists of small-molecular organic acids. It is a powerful 50% concentrate and is commonly used in agriculture and horticulture as a soil conditioner and plant growth stimulant.


  • Enhances Nutrient Uptake
  • Functions as an organic chelating agent, facilitating higher absorption of minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium by plants.
  • Improves Soil Health
  • Encourages microbial activity and increases organic matter content to improve soil fertility.
  • Stimulates Plant Growth
  • Benefits cause increased metabolic activity for improved root development and general plant vigor.
  • Boosts Stress Tolerance
  • Improves plants water and nutrient use efficiency to help them resist drought, salinity and temperature stress.
  • Promotes Seed Germination
  • Increase establishment and early rooting.
  • Decreases Need for Fertilizer
  • It enhances the action of fertilizers, reducing application doses with no damage to yield.
  • Eco-Friendly
  • It is affordable, biobased, and compliant with sustainable agricultural practices because it is obtained from natural sources and is degradable.


  • Soil Conditioner
  • Organic Matter – Such as compost, leaving organic matter on the surface to gain benefits to soil structure, aeration, and nutrient-holding capacity.
  • Foliar Spray
  • Water-soluble and sprayed on leaves for increased nutrients and stimulation of photosynthesis.
  • Seed Treatment
  • And used to coat seeds for better germination & stronger early growth.
  • Drip Irrigation
  • Integrated into fertigation systems for direct nutrient application to plant roots.
  • Hydroponics
  • Utilized in soilless systems to improve nutrient availability and plant growth.
  • Stress Recovery
  • Can be applied to crops in or after periods of stress (e.g. drought, salinity) to stimulate recovery.